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Bugs, page-162

  1. 144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    There are many issues that no doubt the THRED team is dealing with today.
    Of course this takes time.
    One question: Any one else finds it strange that the FB page is now gone? (They had one that was also on their web site). Any thoughts / answers are welcomed

    Yeah I find that quite strange also. You would hope it's something that would get sorted out swiftly.
    Anyone have a link to it? Just looked and could only find a facebook page called thred that makes tea towels etc.

    If it's not back up or the facebook icon on the thred site is reinstated I have a thought and it's not a good one, but will wait and see if it's back up tomorrow before sharing that thought and being accused of down ramping
    Last edited by sullivd: 10/05/17
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