bulldozer hit with heat-seeking missile

  1. 3,191 Posts.
    Anyone see the film clip of the "heat-seeking" missile that destroyed the bulldozer? It flew past, then twisted back, then passed again, then zigzaqged back, then hit. Not exactly the latest microprocessor technology, but it must give bulldozer drivers pause for thought.

    "After investigation, UNIFIL can confirm that the Israeli
    bulldozer was on the Lebanese side when it was hit," said Milos Strugar, spokesman for the UN Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

    "It was violating the Blue Line," he said referring to the demarcation border delineated by the UN when Israel withdrew its troops from south Lebanon following a 22-year occupation in May 2000. Hizb Allah spearheaded the efforts to oust Israel.

    An Israeli soldier was killed and another wounded in the incident near the southern village of Marwahin. Israel has insisted that the vehicle was on Israeli soil when it was hit.

    Past incident

    Earlier, Lebanese President Emile Lahud also recalled that Israel had killed two Lebanese civilians last month because they were suspected of being close to the Blue Line.

    Lebanon maintained that the two slain men were hunters and were on its side of the border.

    Monday's flare-up followed a sharp escalation of Israeli intrusions into Lebanon's airspace which drew retaliatory fire from Hizb Allah and a stern rebuff from UN peacekeepers.

    Tensions are high along the volatile border as UN forces stepped up patrols, fearing more trouble after Israel threatened military action, despite the UN's findings.
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