SXL 3.17% 61.0¢ southern cross media group limited

Bullish chart signal - $3.00 price target, page-60

  1. 4,551 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 482
    Really curious to see SXL results tomorrow.
    Looking at HT&E today, there was a significant improvement for the radio market in Q4 20 which continued during Q1 21.

    It confirmed the figures I saw before for the Australian radio market :
    Q1 20 : - 12.4 %
    Q2 20 : - 46.6 %
    Q3 20 : -28.15 %
    Q4 20 : - 10.4 %
    (source : Commercial Radio Australia).
    Apparently, these figures cover only the 5 capital cities.
    Once again, HT&E gained market shares, so we can expect SXL to have figures worse than the one indicated above for Q4.
    However, these figures seem to cover only the metro areas and we know that SXL is usually doing better in regional areas.
    So overall, they could reach their guidance of - 10 % to - 15 % for Q4 revenues.

    Of course, the other interesting point is the fact that HT&E was quite positive about their revenues for Q1 and Q2.
    For Q1 2021, they expect stable revenues in March. They are also quite optimistic about the first elements for Q2.

    Good luck for tomorrow.

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Mkt cap ! $146.3M
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63.0¢ 63.0¢ 61.0¢ $34.08K 54.94K

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2 17351 60.0¢

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62.5¢ 6755 1
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