Burnside Alleged Some Coalition Leaders Lie, page-26

  1. 605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    I think you'll find ALL shop stewards come from the rank and file.
    Did not Teachers have to endure the fruit from YOUR loins?

    Most of the crud running the various Unions today are University/white collar bludgers on their
    way to seeking endorsement for a political career, never worked on the floor.
    R.J Hawke being the biggest shyster of 'em all.
    Bludger who couldn't and didn't give a eff about the plight of the subjugated working man.
    Not many ''shoppies'' made it to Parliament. Doug Cameron was a ''NutFucker'' (Fitter) in
    a previous life, if I remember correctly. Had dealings with him, good bloke imo.
    And Halfpenny was a half-wit and a disgrace to the Metal Trades. Sold Indentured Tradesmen
    down the drain. SCAB. Any others recently?

    As for Burnside, he made his coin looking after the BEOT. Commercial Law, if I'm not mistaken.
    Now pushing a Public Profile agenda, racing Mal and Paul to be First President is my take on him.

    The problem with Lawyers of his ilk and such, is they think they are the ''guardians of independent thinking'',
    when in fact they are more likely to stifle and suppress ''free thought'' when it's to their advantage. Which is why the good of Australia is not their number 1 priority once they become politicians. It's just ''natural'' that they look after themselves first.
    A pox on 'em all, I say! And don't get me started on Economists and Bankers.
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