Aaragon, I hate to point this out but when you say:"IMO when the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Aaragon, I hate to point this out but when you say:

    "IMO when the US get their next terrorist hit, which they will one day, than they will regard him as a legend, one who had the balls to put a stop to any who dared to wave their fists at him/them."

    It doesn't make sense.If someone attacks then they obviously weren't deterred.

    It may be that if the US does get a real (as in not inside job) terrorist attack, the more thoughtful americans may reflect on how Bush created so many "terrorists"(whatever that term means). If the US can go around killing as it pleases, why on earth would anyone think that it wouldn't add those wanting revenge for their dead loved ones.

    All of this presupposes that it wasn't an inside job to begin with.

    Opedd, that writeup you post is just one of the first of many that will come to rehabilitate this war criminal and gangster.Just because he speaks English(if you can call it that) doesn't preclude him from being a war criminal. Waging a war of aggression was the charge against the Nazis at Nuremberg, and some were hung for that. So, what's the diff???

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