Bush rebuffs Morrison on Climate Change, page-2

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    gain traction for the Greens & Labor, IMO

    I can't see the bush falling in love with the Greens. People who want to get rid of the animal with the cloven hoof would also cleave to Green ideology. That would mean a campaign against those in the bush whose income derives from the animal with the cloven hoof. There is a drive to make us vegan by the friends of Greens. Vegan = say no to meat. Those who are vegan terrorists would most likely vote green. Can't see the Greens sweeping all before them and taking 20 seats in the bush.

    Ferocious debate erupts over ‘vegan terrorists’

    A ferocious war of words erupted last week as new laws progressed to pass Federal Parliament and deliver on a Coalition Government election commitment to introduce tougher penalties and better-protections for the agriculture sector, to tackle heightening animal rights activism throughout Australia.

    During a frequently colourful and passionate Senate debate, One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson said she was thankful the recent spate of “vegan terrorism” hadn’t yet resulted in any “loss of life”.

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