business idea" how to start your idea"

  1. 159 Posts.
    Hi Everyone

    Has anyone on HC had a concept or business idea opertunity they thought was good enough to proceed to create there own business?If so how did you go through the process from the idea/concept stage to a business reality?If you are one of the select few here that has achieved this sucessfully or not id appreciate your inside information on what you did to achieve this. I know not every idea/generally will turn into reality and become a sucessfully run business, but how do you know wether to pursue an Idea that you may have? In my case a friend of mine has what i think is a great business Idea/concept but has no expreience and know how to move forward from the Idea/concept stage.There maybe a niche in the market place for your idea/concept but you dont have the experience to turn the business idea/concept into a working reality. Would it be a smart move to find an investor/Partner with the relative experience/knowledge or know how and give away 50% of your idea? Or hire the required people to get the Idea of the ground to the stage of working start up company? Not forgetting capital to start a business would be needed to get the idea of the ground. I dont know but for those that may please email me [email protected] or reply here just thinking out loud thanks all:D

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