Bust the Budget, page-74

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Thankyou [not] Tony Abbott, on target to take Australia from the wealthiest nation Earth to an economic dodo bird while moving the deckchairs on Titanic Australia to provide better seating for the wealthiest of us while the poor are locked below in cattle class!

    No second prize for you Lapdog, Gillard owns that Patented prize for the above.

    can't say anything good or bad about his career, never heard of him, must be socialising in the wrong Circles, but when Al Gore got the Noble Peace Prize, it devalued that Prize to a coupon out of a Kelloggs Corn Flake Packet.

    LOL, it was Rudd Gillard who have taken us from Wealthiest Nation, to a Muslim Dumping ground for a take over.

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