but its not a chemical weapon......., page-3

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    bnumerical, it seems that it's your own "feathers" that need re-aranging!
    Laws are universal. They affect everyone. They are double edged swords. They need to MAKE SURE THE INNOCENT ARE PROTECTED -ALL INNOCENT, not only non-islamists but islamists as well. PROOF, not allegations and media hype need to determine guilt.
    At the moment, we have only seen proof that innocent folk are being paraded in very dodgy media as... terrible terrorists. We have also proof that the system has many flaws. That's OK for the likes of lucas, charlie and rotor who say, "so what? Beaurocracies make the odd mistake." I'm not prepared to wait until that mistake has me -or any of them for that matter, behind bars for life, or, as the yanks are doing, being sent to renditioned places to be tortured because they believe -as those we are attacking, apparently- that torture is legit.
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