Basically I agree with Dust & Atomou - once you become aware of...

  1. 13,753 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Basically I agree with Dust & Atomou - once you become aware of the possibilties of the purposeful death of fellow humans & the possibility of the etheric double (some call it the astral body) has been alloted a certain amount of time to influence the energies of planet Earth then the snuffing out of the physical body does not necessarily kill out the etheric double which can have influence on the desires of others on the mental plane. One prime example was in the USA where serial killer was executed & yet copy cat killings went on & some say it was the thoughts/desires of the killer that influenced others with similar possibilties. A bit like the propaganda that influences people who read newspapers, WWW etc on the physical & emotional bodies like the idiots who go & scream for their team & hurl abuse at umpires & the like & for a while in England the soccer hooligans throwing darts at the 'other side'.Amazing what thought patterns can do when they manifest in the physical.After all what does not manifest from a thought/imagination.

    As the bhuddhists say we are alloted so many breaths in a lifetime so take your time when breathing.

    Bhuta (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root bhu to be, become] Has been; as an adjective become, been gone; as a noun, that which is or exists, any living being; entities that have lived and passed on. Applied specifically to "spooks, ghosts, simulacra, the reliquiae, of dead men; in other words, the astral dregs and remnants of human beings. They are the 'shades' of the ancients, the pale and ghostly phantoms living in the astral world, or the astral copies of the men that were; and the distinction between the bhuta and the kama-rupa is very slight.

    "Bereft of all that pertains to the real entity, the genuine man, the bhuta is as much a corpse in the astral realms as is the decaying physical body left behind at physical death; and consequently, astral or psychical intercourse of any kind with these shells is productive only of evil. The bhutas, although belonging in the astral world, are magnetically attracted to physical localities similar in type to the remnants of impulses still inhering in them. The bhuta of a drunkard is attracted to wine-cellars and taverns; the bhuta of one who has lived a lewd life is attracted to localities sympathetic to it; the thin and tenuous bhuta of a good man is similarly attracted to less obnoxious and evil places"

    Astral Body Generally equivalent to the Sanskrit linga-sarira, the ethereal model-body, usually invisible to our physical eyes, upon which the physical body (sthula-sarira) is modeled. There are three ethereal forms or bodies which might properly be called astral bodies: 1) mayavi-rupa -- the illusory form-body of thought and substance projected by high initiates; 2) linga-sarira -- the model- or pattern-body, the second principle of the human constitution; and 3) kama-rupa -- the phantom or spook which is seen occasionally in the vicinity of graves or which occasionally materializes at seances.

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