bye bye mr oil bubble

  1. 1,082 Posts.
    Recap of oil spruiking one liners:

    > Peak oil is here
    > $300 oil, get used to it
    > China builds 10,000 new cars every day
    > US dollar is worthless... burn it!
    > it's all about supply and demand
    > dont blame the poor speculators
    > dont blame the poor dollar and equity shorters
    > oil is an inflation hedge
    > wait oil is a dollar hedge
    > wait wait oil is a sub-prime meltdown equities hedge

    yeah, yeah and blah blah

    Repeat after me guys:

    B U B B L E

    that was ramped by:

    > US banks
    > Oil rich soverign funds
    > Hedge funds
    > half of the US day trader community who followed like sheep the little mantra: 'long oil, short equities'..

    Sabre: your turn!
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