C02 of the Gaps, page-15

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    I agree with pretty much everything said except the famous 97% of climate scientists is known to be a subset survey of actively published (on AGW) scientists at the time. Some pro AGW claim it would be closer to 100 % these days.

    However, knowing that human nature does not change just because someone has letters after their name, who would know what scientists really think about such a complex issue if they are not subject to the current peer pressure. I suspect many engaged in particular observations and studies simply accept the greenhouse CO2 hypothesis as "it goes without saying."
    It's not a question of some giant conspiracy as "pro" deniers like to claim, though conspiracy may well exist in certain cases. It's human nature.

    Perhaps not unlike a Priest coming out and refuting the Trinity or that Jesus was the saviour of Humanity or other core Christian claims.
    Ask them privately and many priests will confess their ambivalence and lack of faith but very few will make that public.

    "In some ways I think CC is a smoke screen. Don't get me wrong, it's happening, but there is so much environmental damage and degradation that the least reactive measure they can offer up for this catastrophic damage to our planet is actually CC,..."

    This is an interesting point which also occured to me. It's almost like the "powers behind the throne" have hijacked one aspect of Humanity's environmental effect, namely CO2 emissions. Tied that into supposed destructive warming and now shrilly and loudly proclaim that the antidote to this evil CO2 Satan is to cease use of fossil fuels and plant a few trees. Smothered in virtue signalling so people can feel good that they are doing something. Though what, is not clear.
    Meanwhile it's business as usual for all the other more pressing environmental issues.

    I'm also not saying it's a planned smokescreen, but that is becoming the outcome.
    Actually I wouldn't be surprised if "Extinction Rebellion" et al were actually secretly funded by the Fossil Fuel/Mining /Packaging/ Agricultural/ Building/ Industrial etc, Industries !!

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