I, obviously unlike you, have always appreciated fair play.Are...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    I, obviously unlike you, have always appreciated fair play.

    Are you saying my cashing up on the 2020 election wasn't from my good analysis?
    I was playing unfairly?

    The despicable Democrats and their minions 90% of the MSM gave no quarter to Trumps efforts to MAGA and criticised everything that he did in that respect. Refer to hersuit's post above.

    I thought about that in my betting analysis. Trump did some really good things. hersuit goes over some of them. I won't disagree with them.

    The confected and proven lies of the Democrat leadership, especially Schiff; Schumer, Nadler and the evil witch Pelosi showed just how disgraceful they were that their next puppet Clinton lost badly.

    Didn't think to go that deep into the past. I was betting on the 2020 election outcome.

    If Trump had lost fair and square

    Yeah, he did. And it was his own fault. In my analysis, anyway. His pandering to the far right by saying if Americans didn't vote for him they were socialists, communists or trying to take away second amendment rights was overriding his good points. Most Americans don't think like this:

    Then his nearly doubling of Obama's budget deficit precovid and escalation due to his incompetence on covid.
    His having rallies and calling on Americans to go to the polls to vote. Saying the election was going to be rigged.
    All he had to do was show some compassion to those who were sick and dying and not BS about covid and stop with all the socialist communist 2nd amendment BS and he would still be President. He hasn't learned anything from it. Still the same BS.

    However, I have morals, unlike many rusted ons here on HC,

    Yeah I seen those morals in your post on 9/11.
    I see the gracious acceptance with defeat in this thread lol.

    and it has been adequately demonstrated by many that morals fly out the window when hatred is directed constantly at a duly elected President.

    Trump was a sweet guy talking about Hilary through his 2016 campaign.
    Obama's birth certificate. His Biden and son accusations. No wonder the evangelicals adored and worshipped Trump. Such an angel.
    Bankruptcies. Grab her on the pussy. It's good you had someone to aspire to for your morals pints! ha ha
    Yeah, great value you are pints! This is comedy gold.

    My plethora of posts and videos attacking Biden are a fair payback imo to those who did not give Trump a fair go.

    Go for it. Trump is. I'm rubbing my hands for the cashfall in 2024!

    Trump achieved a lot of good.

    Yes he did.

    Like any human he has his faults.

    Yes he has and has outstanding morals you, pints, aspire to!

    However, the current incumbent is a pale shadow of a true leader and as a 50+yr gravy train, achieve nothing politician he should be put out to pasture.

    We'll have to see if the overriding American voters agree with you.
    They didn't in 2020.
    You shouldn't underestimate the American public. They don't just form their opinions on what some Democrats say and do to demean Trump.
    They look at the man himself. They think if he is fit to be the leader of the free world.

    He is an international embarrassment for the USA and the World

    You need to watch other videos than the ones you do.
    The videos that normal Americans watch.
    You need to see what the real world saw and thought of Trump as a comparison to Biden.

    the World is a far more dangerous place through his incompetence than under a true leader with intestinal fortitude such as Trump.

    But he is gone mate!
    The most of America saw Trump much differently than you.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    LOL farking funny, farrrrk that's hilarious ha ha.
    If California wasn't a lesson for you then wait for 2024 to come around rolleyes.png

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