Poor deluded little Sargent"wanting to invade its...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Poor deluded little Sargent

    "wanting to invade its neighbours.

    Because its neighbours were friends of the western world, its our duty as gentleman to stand up and protect each other from attack."

    Gee did not know Iran was a friend of the Western world

    and if this was the case why did the US back Iraq during the Iran Iraq war

    Oh that is right because the US saw Iran as evil and did not want their fundamentalism spreading through the ME. Fundamentalism that Saddam also saw as a threat

    Fundamentalism that Kuwait also saw as a threat and is why they also backed Iraq.

    Only to back down from this backing leaving Iraq in debt while at the same time stealing Iraq's oil

    Which is why Iraq invaded Kuwait

    An invasion the US had prior knowledge of and said they had no intnetion of getting involved

    That was until the Saudis started to get nervous and convinced the US to get involved

    The Saudis who used their close relationship with the US in particular the "oil men" to get involved

    Suadi Arabia the same country where the majority of the Sep 11 hijackers came from.

    Yep the US's involment in the ME is all to do with good intentions, removing dictators and freeing people.

    and if you look out your window Sargent you may just seeing a flying pig go past

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