Yes, let's take a look at your logic. 'You had a friend at school..." Presumably friend is the USA. So your friend is Iraq, right? But hang on, Iraq is Saddam's govt. But no, you must mean the people of Iraq? And the USA govt loves the people of Iraq, not their oil, not their regional position, not because it is close to iran and Israel.
OK, so far so good. The people of Iraq are being bullied by Saddam (this is what you mean presumably0 But then Iraq and the USA are countries with national sovereignty, and the people of Iraq somehow unequivically constitute a national entity. Weak, but let's not stop on mere inconsistency.
Any way the US 'helps' the people of Iraq y spending billions of dollars (out of the goodness of their heart) to remove Saddam. Well done. You belted up that bully well and truly. And being some one hundred times his power, it wasn't that difficult.
But Hang on, isn't this Iraq the same place where so many people of iraq were killed, maimed and made refugees, where their standard of living, disruption and fear continues now for many years. The USA seems to have belted up the bully, then continued to belt up the the victim.
Well, enough of this, Suffice to say that your analogy is simplictic and contradictory.
Please go and read some history of the region, and the good ole US of A is not an disinterested party to the region's turmoil. It is one of it major architects.