callibre of ABC readers, page-14

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    ... a report from someone who was there

    2 months ago / 941 Comments
    Well, he certainly wasn’t an “asylum seeker” or a “refugee”, as the ABC continually refers to him as. He was a well-heeled Iranian illegal immigrant who was beguiled by the promise of a land of milk and honey where people are actually paid not to work.
    The ABC claimed to have a graphic inside story of how he was killed... sufficiently graphic to incite thousands to protest across Australia demanding Morrison’s head on a plate.
    Of course the ABC and Fairfax didn’t remind anyone that reopening Manus Island was Kevin Rudd’s idea.
    And not a single protester was to be seen when reports surfaced that 1200 “asylum seekers” had drowned. Oh yes, I remember, that happened under their Labor Government didn’t it?
    Information received by Pickering Post this morning differs somewhat from the sketchy ABC report and is not included in the Cornall report.
    To be fair, the information is from a local and it cannot be verified, but nor could the inflammatory ABC report.
    “That Berati bastard was the ringleader, he was the one who started the riot”, said the informant. “When the New Guinea security guys of G4S got to the compound, the inmates began throwing rocks and chairs and tried to light fires. They were yelling insults and stuff, that’s when it all got out of hand.”
    According to the informant, Berati was well known to security, he was the one they were after, it was he who had led the chanting that had been intimidating the guards for weeks. The chanting went as follows (excuse the language):
    “AIDS pigs, we’ll f* your mother, we’ll f* your wife, we’ll f* your sister and rape your daughter.”
    When the G4S guards arrived they were met with a hail of rocks, stones and chairs. “I was only looking on but that’s when the guards broke through the fence. It was clear to me that they were only looking for Berati but he had taken off into his unit and was hiding under the bed.” (The ABC report said he was sitting in the computer room.)
    “I didn’t see them kill him but they were yelling his name and seemed intent on getting him.”
    Many other inmates were injured but the fatal injuries sustained by Berati indicated he was specifically targeted.
    “It had been brewing for weeks”, said the informant. “It was Berati who had tried to get everyone to the riot, but only a hundred or so joined him. And many of the injured were innocent bystanders.
    "When they carried Berati out you could see from his head wounds he wasn’t going to make it.
    “No-one will convince me that they didn’t especially go after him.”
    Now, it’s easy to understand Berati’s frustration but perhaps he was not the innocent faced victim that his family and the ABC portrayed him as.
    (The informant claims he has already spoken to the ABC but his account of what happened was ignored.)
    Bias by omission is the ABC’s MO.
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