Campaign half way, can you spot the media change?

  1. 6,113 Posts.
    With the campaign at the halfway mark, I see a change in the media coverage!

    From the start of the campaign Bill Shorten firmed, and is now easing in the money. (drifting out)
    Election 2016: Is Bill Shorten taking Labor on a secret two-election strategy?

    As each day of this 2016 election campaign progresses, the suspicion that Bill Shorten has a two-election strategy in mind, grows stronger.
    By building his entire election pitch around increased spending on schools and hospitals, funded by higher taxes and potentially a longer deficit period - in contrast to Malcolm Turnbull's jobs and growth agenda based around company tax cuts - Shorten has broken with modern Labor's orthodox presentation as a centrist pro-business party committed to reducing taxes.
    All of this suggests Shorten may well be already thinking about his own survival as leader beyond the horizon. Don't expect him to use the term or even to accept the logic, but the inescapable conclusion is that he has a two-election strategy having concluded months ago that gaining the 19 Coalition seats needed to win on July 2 is unachievable.

    Inevitably, he will deny this as he must. But such thinking would only be prudent.
    Shorten is no fool, and knew full-well when seeking the leadership after the 2013 rout that it was potentially a poisoned chalice. No Labor leader has lasted a full term, let alone two, since Kim Beazley in the late 1990s - and that goes for two elected prime ministers as well.
    In the Australian paper,  two columnists Janet Albrechtsen and Grace Collier are providing hard hitting articles against Bill Shorten. (They are telling it how it is)

    Tony Windsor is easing in the money.

    More articles are concentrating on the minor part candidates.
    With the weekend Australian out tomorrow, I will do a further update.

    In my mind the emphasis is on the Coalition increasing its momentum for a clear election win!!
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