Ben, technically we have a democratic solution - our challenge...

  1. 2,630 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Ben, technically we have a democratic solution - our challenge is to reclaim it. Preferential voting s/be optional for both houses. Candidates for election should be screened to reveal what they have to offer so far as running a country is concerned. Result of such screening should be available in "traffic light" fashion on the ballot paper eg Red indicates no sign of life in the country running business, Green indicates an appropriate level or better in such things and Amber is "not sure". this would lead to a more appropriate mix of skills after the election and rid us of that dreadful business of the new government's, "whoops, what do we do now???" moment. As for the Senate - do we need them? If yes, we must democratise the election process - back in Paul Keating's days (Senate = unrepresentative swill) it took 8 NSW voters to produce an Senator vs. 1 voter from Tasmania. In the present Senate we have Senators with less than 1% of the primary vote. AND - we must remove the "compulsion to vote" along with a minimum turnout requirement (by electorate) - below which the election is invalid. Present system is a prime cause of mediocrity.

    The youth of Australia are the weak link - we must encourage them to take to the streets as I would have (and did) in the seventies. They have much to gain and little to lose.
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