Can anyone articulate why a god exists?, page-115

  1. 44,246 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2012
    If there is not then life is completely pointless. Every scrap of knowledge, goodness, the loves of my life, the accumulation of my life have been no more than a passing, meaningless flicker

    Don't you think it's more poignant this way though? Your life does not have to be meaningless just because it was brief. At what point would it become meaningful....if you got to live for a trillion years?
    If you got to go to Heaven and got to 'float around, and hang out on clouds', at what point would it become tiresome; at what point would a consciousness go insane at the interminable passing of time?

    For life I'd use the analogy of being washed up on a desert island with a bunch of other people. No one asked to have it happen to them, but while you are there (here) are you going to make it worse, or better for the people around you? And in that way, making things better for others, can you therefore have a life that does have meaning?

    If God lived for a trillion years and then died, and no one knew of his existence, did he live at all?

    Do you have to have been 'created' for your life to have 'meaning' - and if yes: why?

    What is the meaning of life? It's an odd question. Seems like poor English. It's like saying 'what is the meaning of glass?' I think 'purpose' is the word.

    On a species level, it seems to me that the meaning (purpose would be a much better word) is to 'maintain the species' - that is to say, hold the line - don't retreat, and lets build a bridge to the future and see where it takes us. Each generation passes the baton forward. The individual lives merge into 'we are species'.
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