Can China afford to buy Aus products, page-2

  1. 22,387 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    We have to understand what China is:
    It is a totalitarian State ruled by the CCP (single party)
    The CCP is responsible for China's meteoric rise over the past 30 years
    The CCP has delivered hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty
    but it realises that it can only remain in power so long as it continues to deliver
    prosperity to the masses.
    So anything that threatens Chinese economic prosperity threatens the future
    of the CCP and its top officials and they will do everything within their power
    to stay there and their premature retirement would not be pleasant, to say the least, IMO.

    Trump changed US policy on China from that of Obama , Bush & Clinton.
    Obama, Bush & Clinton believed that as the Chinese people became more prosperous
    that they would morph into Americans , debunk the CCP & establish a US style democracy

    Leading up to 2016, China set a few milestones that concerned the US China Hawks:
    -China fared better during the GFC than did America.
    -Xi was elected as President and mooted the One Belt One Road Program (2013)
    -Xi introduced "Made in China 2025" to overcome the miiddle income trap (2014)
    -China passed out the USA with the biggest global economy (PPP Adjusted)
    -China started to build the South China Sea Islands to counter US aircraft carriers & warships (2016)
    -Xi is elected President for life & head of the CCP & the Armed Forces (snuffed out the probability of change due to new leadership)
    -By Covid the BRI & Made in China 2025 were going good guns.

    Enter Trump with the demolition ball.

    Has he been successful?

    IMO, no but time will tell.

    IMO, The America people would be better served by its own Government directly concentrating on rebuilding its industrial might rather than hoping that snookering China will defacto achieve that.

    We, in our wisdom, publically sided with Trump and we are now being cruelled by China economically (sin & punishmen if the CCP believed in such a thing as sin) The CCP would prefer to see it as "crime & punishment", IMO,and our Government is copping it sweet.

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