"can do" campbell must be joking? tells us...?

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    that the porn man is a great family man. Yeah right.....lol

    Just saw on the news where the press bailed up his Asian wife, who despite that fact that she spoke only limited English, obviously had no knowledge of what her former husband had been involved in.

    Gee, this Newman bloke is turning out to be one very big surprise package.

    The same bloke who says he's going to repeal laws allowing gays to legally unite (not allowed to use the word "marry", although it's OK for mass murderers etc to "marry"....even in jail) in civil unions, presumably because he thinks it's somehow amoral, has no problem with one of his candidates operating a porn site??

    What a great message he intends sending out to the families/children of Queensland.

    Kate Jones couldn't believe her luck when she heard that the aspirant for Premier of the state was prepared to throw his weight behind the porn man.

    Keep it up Campbell. That $100 that I had on Kate Jones to win Ashgrove is looking good.

    Great leadership Campbell. Wow. Another weirdo LNP leader aspirant is emerging. Discretion = zilch.

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