Can God suffer?, page-16

  1. 27,460 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The usual tricks to get the reply function to work failed.
    I hope that you know which of your posts I'm replying to.
    Some interesting comments gum,
    Does a Creator exist?
    That covers a wide spectrum of beliefs, which includes the God of the Bible.
    A belief in a Creator doesn't necessarily imply a belief in the God of the Bible.

    It's clear to me, that you know this Creator doesn't exist as why would you bring up the issue?
    And I concede it's most likely true.

    On the atheist - theist spectrum that places you closer to the atheist end of the spectrum than I am because I don't know that this is likely to be true because I just have no evidence that to the best of my knowledge enables me to make such a call.

    Is the Creator the God of the Bible?
    I don't know, but I hope not.
    Several reasons including:
    1. Holding his whole creation responsible for the mistake (sin) committed by a naive couple.
    2. Drowning practically the whole of his creation because he was not happy with his first attempt.
    3. Murdering the firstborn in Egypt, including babies.
    4. Handing over the task of taking the pain and suffering to his Son to deal with the problems of his creation.

    In this, we see an egotistic God with little to no signs of empathy.

    Could we do better without a Creator to make the world a better place?
    If a Creator exists he/she/it does not seem to have made much difference.
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