Can someone help me ?, page-64

  1. 4,154 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    The question that remains is why are the left so intent on inventing a whole range of new age crap and pushing it on innocent
    children in school and the rest of society. Anything that is natural and normal, is being challenged by the left just for the sake of it. Events or behaviours that affect the breakdown of a normal society are everyone's business. People have a right to decide as a whole how they want society to behave and what behaviour is appropriate. The problem is the left decide that
    they want some kind of freak show to substitute for a normal, natural family model and anyone oppossing that is a bigot, homophobe etc etc etc.
    Considering how far we have already strayed from what nature intended, I don;t think it's too big a jump from reality to think the left might try and push for legalisation of giving your pet hamster some loving at home.
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