Dave,This is a repost of something I posted a short while...

  1. 2,146 Posts.
    This is a repost of something I posted a short while ago.
    Would be interesting to get your comments.

    My feeling with Sharon is that overall he is doing a good job.
    He has focussed the reaction to the Palestinean terror attacks on Israeli civillians, children and moistly others innocents, to be attacks on the leadership of the Palestinean terrorist groups, and on destruction of the infrastructure of terror. An infrastructure and orgainization of terror is what allows for these Palestinean terror attacks to have such an impact and rise above the level of common criminals and murderers.

    Elimiate the orgainization and this infrastructure of terror and most Palestinean terror attacks are likely to be of the level of random crime and occasional murder.

    By doing this, it is probable that future terror attacks will be less damaging, and also the Palestinean people also benefit by elimination of the murderers and thugs that dominate the leadership of these terrorist organizations.

    Eliminate enough of these murderers and thugs from the Palestinean terror orgainizations, probably no more than a few nundred, and a more moderate leadership can emerge from the Palestineans. Currently any moderate voice is quickly silence under a hail of bullets from the Palestinean terror groups.

    It would seem his disengagement policy has the approval of the quartet as being a path to breaking the log-jam that forces the whole peace process to be stalled by the Palestinean terror groups, who do not want to negotiate in any case.

    While this is a controvertial view, my feeling is that Sharon will be vindicated by the flow of events.
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