Can these economists turn things around for Australia's betrayed generations?, page-7

  1. 85,955 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    'If we follow their advice taxes will rise and business will be destroyed by their Marxist , big government theories.''

    how strange that you say that - but, nations that have higher taxes and different ideas also have less homelessness, less poverty, better services -

    so, the chance that you are wrong is very high ------ and the evidence is that Australia is well on the slide - when you cannot house, feed or keep your people healthy - you are going downhill - and that you can't educate them, but sell education services to foreigners - who take those skills home with them and grow massive economies - should give one a heads up -------------- not you though.

    "The superpower transformation can put us back on a path to higher productivity and living standards after a lost decade."
    But he also predicted how the current generation of politicians would respond to his idea.
    "We expect that the established political parties will rule out this suggestion," Garnaut said.

    "That is the way ideas for efficiency-raising reform are discussed in contemporary Australia. [But] that will not be the end of the matter. If there is continued community interest and growing support, political leaders will come back to it."
    Last week, he warned that our tax system had deteriorated to the point that he was worried about Australia's "social compact" holding together.
    "We're in a worse position now than we were 15 years ago when we were writing the review," Dr Henry told the ABC.
    "It's an intergenerational tragedy that we have allowed this to happen."

    all one has to do is to look at people in tents, hospital waiting lists, dropping education levels

    the society is already crumbling
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