Can Turnbull redeem himself?

  1. 7,034 Posts.
    Amongst the many I too have enjoyed pointing out Turnbull's failings.

    When the guy arrives in Canberra many can hear the vacuum sound of his policy free area.

    However there may be a way for him to partially redeem himself, but what a monumental task.

    Mal will have to fight back all his Green tendencies to destroy the economy. He would need to refuse to take advice from the ABC. He would have to agree to be inoculated against knee jerking and bleeding heartism.

    Australia is screaming out for a leadership that will take us away from depending upon mining and house building. Malcolm of course is incapable of this leadership but at least he can mouth the word Innovation which has opened the door. If Turnbull could appoint a special Minister who will map out and plan a future high tech sector for our economy. Such a Minister will not be found in our parliaments. Talentless seat warmers have proved useless, we need someone with both talent and spine from the outside.

    If Mal carried out such a plan then maybe he would not be judged so severely. After all he would then be able to say that he at least did one thing.
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