Can we all agree Ukraine is losing the war??, page-336

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    No one is winning the war....

    Its not overally complicated and the issue is that too much FAKE rubbish thrown around by people that have not done research or understand the history of the area.

    The simple facts of the matter are that Russia has declared the Ukraine as "Nazi's" due to two historic reaons.
    One is that after WWII the US never chased down Ukraine Nazis. The National Hero of Ukraine in Zelensky’s mind is Stephan Bandera who was a Ukrainian Nazi in whose name they massacred hundreds of Jews, Poles, and Russians. The Ukrainian Nazis were protected by the CIA and the Neocons becuase they also hated Russians. The German Nazis were put on trial but the US covered up the Ukrainian Nazis because they hated Russians and that warranted their partnership. Bandera’s monument stands in Ukraine not as a Nazi war criminal, but as a national hero. The Jews who hunted down Nazis who fled never knew the full story about the Ukrainian Nazis who the US protected.

    The second is becuase in the Donbas area there is plenty of documentation of groups linked with "Nazis like" groups since the disbute in the area, along with Draft Law 1247793 (
    You only have to go back to the Minsk agreement I & II to understand more details of the issues.
    The 13 point plan put in place clearly outlines the issues: (NOTE the elections and self-govenment).
    The deal’s 13 points were:
    Immediate, comprehensive ceasefire.
    Withdrawal of heavy weapons by both sides.
    OSCE monitoring.
    Dialogue on interim self-government for Donetsk and Luhansk, in accordance with Ukrainian law, and acknowledgement of special status by parliament.
    Pardon, amnesty for fighters.Exchange of hostages, prisoners.
    Humanitarian assistance.
    Resumption of socioeconomic ties, including pensions.
    Ukraine to restore control of state border.
    Withdrawal of foreign armed formations, military equipment, mercenaries.
    Constitutional reform in Ukraine including decentralisation, with specific mention of Donetsk and Luhansk.
    Elections in Donetsk and Luhansk.
    Intensify Trilateral Contact Group’s work including representatives of Russia, Ukraine and OSCE.

    So the problems started to grow more because:
    Ukraine wants a ceasefire, control of the Russia-Ukraine border, elections in the Donbas, and a limited devolution of power to the separatists – in that order.
    Russia views the deal as obliging Ukraine to grant rebel authorities in Donbas comprehensive autonomy and representation in the central government, effectively giving Moscow the power to veto Kyiv’s foreign policy choices. Only then would Russia return the Russia-Ukraine border to Kyiv’s control.

    Moscow may see Minsk II as a way to guarantee its central security demand – that Ukraine is never allowed to join NATO.

    This seems no different than every other war. FDR imposed outrageous sanctions on Japan even seizing all Japanese assets and cutting off their energy supply all to compel them to attack Pearl Harbor to start the Pacific War and justify entering WWII. The US not only seized all Japanese assets in America, they then just imprisoned all Japanese even those born in America in a plain racist move. Their view of FDR was ruthless and there were even Congressional investigations into whether or not FDR deliberately created war with Japan finding it was “inconclusive” which neither exonerated him nor found him guilty. Lydon Johnson who started the Vietnam War, admitted the US was never attacked. Still looking for those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

    The lies about Russia taking all of Ukraine where simple to see, the attack plan was clearly designed to take the Donbas areas and a land bridge to the south as well as the capital.. Everything Russia have done (POORLY I WILL ADD) was a clear plan and they thought that the Ukraine would not resist in the way it has, which has shown just how bad the Russians plan of attack was and how soft Putin was in the situaiton.

    Putin will most likely regroup and dig in taking the Donbas. Zelensky has no intention of peace talks for if he actually agreed to let Crimea and Donbas go complying with the Belgrade and Minsk Agreements, then there would be no reason for any sanctions against Russia. Instead now we have this mess of a situation and look at the inflation hitting us (not just because of this issue of course).

    Removing Russia from SWIFT set China in motion to launch CHIPS and this is the start of the end for globalization and world peace. Once nations are decoupled from trade, then there is no longer the worry of biting the hand that feeds them. You know this is true and just starts to cause more isues moving forward.

    The sanctions are all about Regime change .. are they trying to create World War III no different than FDR crushing Japan with sanctions to force them into war? Not only has Biden called Putin a war criminal and moved to try to initiate proceedings to prosecute Russian perpetrators of war crimes in Ukraine, but he has closed the door if not slammed it shut ending any possible resolution or restoring communications on a respectful basis. This is NOT a good situaiton for us to be in no matter what way you try and spin it.

    However, all the abuse of always attacking Russians and their culture has turned the Russian population not against Putin. Many Russian's have already left Russia and these are the ones that may stand up to Putin.
    Putin is not some Middle Eastern idiot who they could topple easily. Russia has been assaulted on an individual level now, and Russia does possess weapons of mass destruction. They have the largest arsenal of nuclear warheads in the world. No doubt, they too have chemical and biological weapons.

    If things go worse for Russia in conventional warfare, the higher the probability rises that Putin will respond with serious weapons. Ukraine may not have been inside NATO, but NATO trained the Ukrainian army we all know this is true. Putin now understands that and has suffered serious losses due to the weapons that were handed to Ukraine against the Belgrade Agreement of Neutrality. Again another Agreement that people seem to have not read or understand the history of.... The Belgrade Agreement of 1991 was supposed to ensure that Ukraine would remain neutral.

    Many do not understand that as BAD as Putin is he is also one of the most restrained top guys in power in Russia and removing Putin could cause bigger issues, like the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who has stated and the Ukrainians are just cannon fodder. There are many hardcore Russians that would be happy to step in and start the war to the next level. If you know your history you know that NATO surmised that it could not even hope to win a conventional war with the Soviet Union. NATO relied on tactical nuclear weapons as a deterrent to prevent Russia. Putin knows that today there is no chance of winning a conventional war with NATO and he now relies on nuclear weapons. Putin made a massive mistake being soft and his historical view that Kyiv was the mother country (again look at the history of the are to understand this more). The hardliners view that Putin has been soft and should have aggressively wiped out the Ukrainians.

    The Kremlin has already made the argument that an attack upon Russia is underway and this was deliberately using the civil war in Ukraine to compel Putin to defend the Donbas when he knew it was funded by the United States as always with their Proxy wars. The Russian foreign ministry has made it very clear: “Such statements from the American president, unworthy of a statesman of such high rank, put Russian-American relations on the verge of rupture.” The Kremlin has described the comments as “personal insults” against Putin. Indeed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took aim at the sanctions the United States and other countries have imposed on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine, saying he believes that the West has declared “total war” on Russia and he is correct. Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, stated on Feb. 21, that “in its doctrinal documents, the United States calls Russia an enemy” and its goal is “none other than the collapse of the Russian Federation.” On March 16, Putin stated that the West was waging “a war by economic, political, and informational means” of “a comprehensive and blatant nature.”

    Its clear Russia will regroup and move to defend the Donbas which was the original goal, its FAILED to take the capital, and Zelensky has acknowledged that he will not try to invade Donbas thereby leaving sanctions never-ending and thus destroying the world economy slowly in turn. Zelensky refuses to relinquish the Donbas or Crimea, so he will prolong the sanctions against Russia and hope Russia just collapses while using his own people as cannon fodder.

    Its all pretty sad at the end of the day..... surely its time for the the egos to be dropped and the peace talks to begin before more people die and this situation just continues to get far worse....
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