Can we believe the Bible?, page-45

  1. 5,403 Posts.
    The apostle Paul made it clear that the '' presence of our Lord Jesus Christ '' and the ''day of Jehovah'' would not come until ''the apostasy comes first''.

    Oh my God really MrG, it’s all shock and horror to me, do you honestly think only you can read the bible, I’ve been hearing about the end of the world all my life starting in the early 60’s

    Since the '' presence of our Lord Jesus '' began in 1914 more and more evidence of the ''apostasy'' from true religion is being provided. Very soon the ''day of Jehovah'' will see the destruction of false religion by the ''ten horns'' of the political system.

    Sorry, this is only JW theology and they only came about with this concept after the failed 1914 prophecy.

    I thought the anti-Christ “apostacy” came about after John, I wish you would make up your mind.

    The apostacy can only come about when people turn away from the true religion, as you are suggesting people started to turn away from it in 1914, until then it must have existed, now take a look at your bible students and Russell they founded a religion when the true one existed, doesn’t that tell you they founded a dud.

    Do you need any more prove then this?

    The bible is written by the church and for the church, all that will happen will happen to that church not to some so-called church founded later on.

    Even the laity of the Catholic church can see the corruption in the clergy. What they are failing to realise is that it has been the case since it was first formed. The Protestant movement did not see a return to true worship. This had to await the ''presence of our Lord Jesus'' that began in 1914

    Oh please MrG, that’s nothing but watchtower ant-Catholicism, nothing more, Rutherford and most of your elders are famous for it, you only need to take your glasses off to see I’m not pulling your leg.

    Of course there has been many corrupt clergy, I am man enough to tell it like it is, not like you, you know very well your watchtower is corrupt but not once have you admitted it, as the watchtower will not tolerate any decent and if you did you will be out so you keep your mouth shut. mind you that's a bigger sin then admitting it.

    Now, off course Catholics can see the corruption in the church by its clergy, and the watchtower is famous at pointing fingers at everyone else and try to hide theirs under the bed.

    I can tell you MUCH MUCH more about the corruption in the church and the apostacy then you or your beloved watchtower can, and most of all it fits perfectly with bible and catholic teaching regarding the end times and how it’s playing out. my heads up to you is be prepared as you will be booting the watchtower.
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