Can we believe the Bible?, page-51

  1. 6,612 Posts.
    I saw this show about Bosnian pyramids. Some guy has dedicated his life to proving that these natural mountains in Bosnia are pyramids. Two geologists studied all his claim on site and came to the conclusion that they were natural formations and the tunnels he thought he was digging out were in fact just loose material from the ice age and eventually it would collapse and kill him if he was not careful.

    Every claim he made they countered and showed him very patiently why he was wrong and that his claims of certain angles and orientations were all fudged to support his claim. His response was to ignore them and continue on wasting his life on a pure fantasy.

    Here is a kindred spirit, Mr Gordon. I thought you might like to contact this fellow and help him dig his hole?

    We have and have had enough apostasy to sink a ship. You have fighting lambs and ten horned things, satan fighting religions and imaginary Jesus ruling in 1914. What was Jesus doing for 2000 years, apart from sitting on His hands? He sure had a good holiday after His death.

    It's just nonsense piled upon utter nonsense. Nobody should live like this. You are one step away from hearing voices.

    If Jesus has not returned by now then He never will, because every possible explanation of prophecy has been fulfilled.

    You owe us and end of the world, buddy.
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