Labor can only get in if they hand out cash and lots of it....

  1. 7,166 Posts.
    Labor can only get in if they hand out cash and lots of it.

    Campbell Neuman made the mistake of attempting to bring Labor's debts under control and was 'over zealous'. The ABC in particular led the charge in ferreting out 'victims'. And victims were everywhere.

    The experience of Neuman chastened the LNP wets like Turnbull who wanted to take it easy or Morrison who let the cash flow during the 'pandemic'. With the ALP demanding that he spends more of course.

    Morrisons cash handouts were in many cases, hoarded. So with the end of the scare, people began using their excess cash to buy a limited amount of goods and hey presto, price inflation.

    In my area the price of the average house rose 30% or more in 2021. Land went close to doubling. Even worse, the gnomes that infest councils kept on raising the red, green and now black tape.

    So in order to pay of a debt of say $500k our new home owners need a decent amount of inflation which will lead to decent pay rises. Unfortunately inflation brings a rise in interest rates but in the long run, if they can survive, their pay will rise enough to be able to handle repayments. atbe

    Labor's strategy is of course perfidious.

    They have an inflationary budget on the one hand but try to blame any inflation on others. Of course.

    Labor candidates are chosen on their union contacts, physical appearance, (mostly) but especially their ability to spin. The reason that spinning is failing Albo's mob today is because their lies are too far from reality so that they are easily exposed.

    A line needs to be drawn where a standard of living is fixed, rigidly. There no chance of a Utopia. Be happy with what you got. The standard of living. on average, is as high as it ever will be, at least the dogs are barking this. Green, red, black tape must be slashed.
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