Can we just simply build more houses / units to slow down the house price madness !!!, page-53

  1. 5,237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    Since I have been placed in Saintex's ignore list, this is addressed to the others.

    I have not been lecturing anybody as I am not a lecturer. What I have been doing is trying to point out two things. First, that while Singapore's home ownership model is based upon massive government intervention, ours is based upon market forces with the government having a limited roll to play. And this difference is crucial as without a radical change in our model we will not be able to reach 90% home ownership. Second, super is to provide income in retirement and one would not be able to do that if he funds are used in the financing of home ownership.

    If you do not change the model then you will only be improving things marginally, something that the majority of posters posting here have been suggesting. Cut demand by cutting immigration numbers, or fiddle with capital gains taxes, or abolish negative gearing, etc., etc.

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