Can we just simply build more houses / units to slow down the house price madness !!!, page-103

  1. 542 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1284
    Have you thought that all this is deliberate? Crush the economy and enslave the population totally. How does the UN fit into this?

    Fauci is busted, having being told in writing how CV was manufactured; where in the email it was called a bioweapon. He is busted on masks too. The shutdowns are not scientific and under virology the damn virus was not actually isolated. So much does not make sense including masks which do not stop the virus (eyes, holes, escaping) and yet we all went to supermarkets so it had to spread if real. Massive vested interests all around and only a few politicians speaking out while being vilified and of course we are "fringe" if we agree.

    PCR tests measure remnant rna, NOT live viral load so there is no indication people are sick at all with a virus that is not isolated. We do know the flu disappeared and incentives were paid to hospitals to reg deaths as CV. Virus's do NOT disappear they morph into less deadly forms so they do not kill their hosts - that is how nature works. The definition of pandemic was changed before this event and staged preliminary events like 201 had our Halton in attendance while her husband is B. Suttons brother.

    Some call it a communist take over which is interesting in theory as the WEF (Schwab) is pushing their agenda at the same time. Coincidence? The central bankers stated they needed to take charge of fiscal policy to add to their control over monetary policy.

    Subjugate the population with fear (masks enforce and police violence) while shutting down sections of the economy bit by bit at a rate just less than we "can handle". When we start to push back too hard they lighten up. Push economic destruction and drive the national debt through the roof while destroying huge parts of the economy. Soften the blow with hopium of an experimental jab that makes the wealthiest fantastic sums - but that will let you travel - but we could open up again and get back to "normal" if you get the jab. Look we are helping as much as we can as we blather on the TV about fictitious cases and hand out your money from an ever diminishing pie enforcing (eventually) massive destructive taxation.

    This is all theoretical and just empirical flights of fancy but how else do you make sense of all this?
    We are having to shut down the economy for two weeks to flatten the curve... Remember that? I knew that was crap very early. Dr Zolenco was curing hundreds of patients with HCQ in March 2020 proving the "emergency" was not necessary. Nasty flu variant manufactured and these Frankenstein virus's fall apart quickly as they are spliced concoctions that are not stable. It switched from deaths to cases after the first wave.
    Hospitals full I do not think so. HCQ and IVM with zinc (both zincophores) and you are "cured" but no money in that.

    If you wanted full control of a country and controlled the issuance of money through central banking and political corruption then this would be a perfect scenario to achieve that. The normal rules of economics do not apply. Science does not apply. Logic does not apply.
    Such thought lines are interesting to explore. Mapping the facts assist this.
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