The link between climate change and horrific fires in SE...

  1. 37,847 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 420
    The link between climate change and horrific fires in SE Australia so far this year is both tenuous and contested.

    The simple logic that Australia is only responsible for 1% oh global emissions is oft quoted in the argument to down play Australia’s role impact.

    Meanwhile Australia is a global leader in coal export and the world leader in gas export.

    Climate change is an impact on global warming ... global warming being the sum impact of global emissions ... by being a wold leader in coal and gas exports, Australia is punching above its weight in responsibility for global emissions.

    Climate change effects are never described as some average impact around the globe ... it is claimed weather will change from previous norms ... some areas hotter, some drier, some wetter, some colder, seasons disrupted, patterns changing ... new deserts forming, new forests forming.

    Might it not be the case that the hotter and drier for longer weather in Australia is an impact of global emissions, not simply emissions within Australia?

    Australia bearing the early brunt of one impact of anthropogenic climate change?

    Australia the canary in the coal mine?

    A quirk of the position of our tectonic plate on the global surface?

    Coal and gas exports coming right back at us?


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