Canberra Rally, page-661

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    go to your GP, and demand a blood work up, for D-Dimer (measures signs of micro blood clots), and all the other immune health levels. CD4-8 killer T cells. etc.

    The great variability in every individual is how long these spike factories remain in operation for.
    How much spike you end up with running through your system and for how long it takes you to get it out of your blood supply. (from what i reviewed, = pathogenic, and a carcinogenic factor)
    If i recall correctly, there was something on Black seed oil was reported to have a beneficial effect on the make up of your blood, not clotting etc. Pictures of blood before and after. Worth researching if it has any legs. Not sure, only came across it a couple times.

    They say safe for pregnant women. (and kids) Bullshit. Pregnant women were excluded from the phase 1 trials, hence can not be afforded the same assumption lended to other groups who participated. And i recall reports that there are increased miscarriage in the first trimester.

    Dont you find it completely irrational, that they could tell you it is safe and effective, when there is no long term safety data ? (normal full approval, takes 10 years) - Yet much evidence of deaths and injuries from the jab.

    all of the doctors are banned from telling you anything that might disuade you, from the jab, like the mounting deaths and injuries, AHPRA has threatened to review and remove them from the registry if they discuss it. The notion of informed consent is a joke. The Gps are gagged. And only allowed to preach one side of the ledger.
    Try asking them about the 22,000 dead, and 1M injuries reported on the US VAERS system, historically under reported 100-1. (so much worse than the headline number)

    Another great variability reported, is that i have read there are three levels of dose. ?
    Placebo (saline only), half dose, and full dose. Depends what you were jabbed with. It is a trial after all.

    And by the way, any medical product that has like 10 deaths, would be normally pulled off the market immediately.
    But not under this madhouse.

    Dont you find it alarming, that all of the western nations who are part of the world economic forum , davos, have adopted the same blue print, via a 97% false positive PCR test, to create artificially inflated covid mania, fear porn, to drive you all into the jab clinics? Many, to the same global blueprint, were mandated to, with threat of loss of job, and roof over your head. And tuned up MSM to peddle the propaganda.

    Healthy Kids are at no risk of the disease. So why throw them under the bus. With no cancer or fertility studies.?
    They can not protect grandma. Because every vaccinated person can still get and infect. The jab does not reduce viral load compared to an unjabbed. Because the jabbed antibodies are not in the nasal area where the virus breeds. Only developing a natural immunity will develop antibodies in the eyes, tear ducts, that lead to nasal protection. Natural recovered are the only ones safe to go near grandma.

    When you can start to see the cracks in their "safe and effective" lies, you will start to think very carefully over every claim they make. And realise that something else much larger that has its tentacles over all these western nations under the same lies, the same blue print.
    Last edited by stevenjd: 15/02/22
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