No matter how much logic, reasoning or commonsense one argues...

  1. 8,616 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 914
    No matter how much logic, reasoning or commonsense one argues against those who are obviously bought on the idea of how wonderful these mRNA so called vaccines are, it appears that the narrative about these vaccines shields peoples' brains from reality.

    Why on earth would a govt of any nation preorder these vaccines with potentially ensuring a 6 monthly (or sooner) visit to the vaccination clinics time and time again - in itself an admission of failure of these so called vaccines. Variants will be regular visitors and will be hit with the might of big pharma.

    Why on earth would a govt interfere with your body autonomy with respect to one's own health choices to the point of coercion and heavy handedness of authorities that allow the use of rubber bullets and water cannons on it's own citizens who simply exercise their right to protest against freedom takers and the so called mandates. Also silencing any that oppose their agenda by media censorship and/or being continually attacked, put down and name called?? Those doughnuts on offer must be exceptional enticements - who can possibly resist such a treat.

    Those who were thus far fortunate to only receive saline solutions will be in for a rather rude shock once the full force of these vaccines are administered as has been under documented in various government official adverse reaction platforms. Safe and effective - half right - many will effectively find out in due course which half and of course the real meaning of such a term.

    The heralding of the so called new world order has started some time back and is accelerating. Many asleep at the wheel and soon enough many will not wake up - period - they just don't know it yet or refuse to acknowledge it. Safe and effective being played like a broken record.

    Trust the science - many scientific experiments have been carried out in the past - this one by far the biggest and is ongoing as evidenced by the continued call for one's arm and results manifested in the effects caused to one's blood, one's heart and various organs. Got to hand it to the planners - doing a real fine job, real fine - never mind the reports of adverse reactions and deaths - all acceptable for the sake of one's health or at least that of grandma/pa.

    If lives matter, how is it all right for many to die or be maimed - or is that just collateral damage - and this is just still short term??

    Meanwhile mask up, keep away from all manner of humans and all their germs as there's safety only being on an island by oneself though watch for creepy crawlies and creatures that bite - and forget your iphone lest you receive your next booster call. AIMHO
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