Cannabis Tourism, page-9

  1. 61,504 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    "Sorry, but legalising any mind altering drug just doesn't rub with me."

    Well then why not make alcohol illegal? Of course we saw what happened with prohibition

    Sure some people over do it with pot and that leads to problems, same thing happens with alcohol.

    Abuse no use is the problem, many baby boomers smoked pot in there younger days and plenty still do but difference is they use it occasionally not regularly.

    Many where critical of Portugals plan to deal with the drug problem but it worked.

    If you look at places that have decriminalised pot they actually have less drug problems.

    Even here in Australia the penalties for using or possessing small quantities is minor but it's illegal and as such there is a huge black market that only benefits the criminals.
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