go away grand dadNOI got an advertising email saying 'Google...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48

    go away grand dad

    I got an advertising email saying 'Google knows maps backwards.'

    I thought, that's just spam.


    AND dad you nick off also

    I've put massive billboards up on the side of my house one says "Henry the VIII was a Fat protestant Bigamist"

    and the other says "Elizabeth the 1st was an ugly ginger virgin".

    Well the wife said she always wanted to live in a Mock tudor house




    A blonde buys a chainsaw

    A blonde buys a chainsaw to cut down some trees in her backyard and gets the one that says "Guaranteed to cut down 100 trees a day" on the box.
    "Great" she thinks "I only want to cut down 5 trees, but I bet this one will get the job done in no time at all!"

    Three days later returns to the shop dirty and sweaty and says: "I am sorry, but this is very misleading advertising! It says I can cut down 100 trees in a week and it took me 3 days to cut down just one! Something is clearly not right!"
    The shop attendant says: "Alright, lets see if we can figure out what the problem is", yanks the cord and starts the motor.

    The blonde says: "What is that sound?"
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