Incentive comes in many forms, Dui. Incentive to have a fair and...

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    Incentive comes in many forms, Dui. Incentive to have a fair and happy society. Incentive to develop workplaces that treat you and your neighbour as a human being, rather than an animal of burden, incentive to give you confidence in a system of justice that will be blind to money and status, incentive to give you confidence that your govn't has the right infrastructure to look after you if you're ill or in some way incapacitated. Incentive to eradicate all snot-nosed idiots who puff themselves with material goods and no brains and no heart. Inventive to see that you are working and rewarded no worse than your neighbour.

    What happened in the past has nothing to do with the ideology and all to do with a myriad other things:battles between politicians (not only those wearing the uniforms of Govn't but also of some church or other). In short, battles between already corrupted humans.

    It's probably why the maxim will never be attained in full but it ought to be writ large on the walls of every politician's house and office.
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