Capitalism has become a dirty word

  1. 6,437 Posts.
    Poll: 51% of Millennials Reject Capitalism

    "The word 'capitalism' doesn't mean what it used to."



    Trey Sanchez


    According to a Harvard University poll, 51 percent of young adults between 18-29 reject capitalism, while only 42 percent support it.
    In the same poll, only 33 percent said they support socialism, according to The Washington Post. One of the pollsters explained the numbers and why "capitalism" has become a dirty word to the younger generation. From the report:

    "The word 'capitalism' doesn't mean what it used to," said Zach Lustbader, a senior at Harvard involved in conducting the poll, which was published Monday. For those who grew up during the Cold War, capitalism meant freedom from the Soviet Union and other totalitarian regimes. For those who grew up more recently, capitalism has meant a financial crisis from which the global economy still hasn't completely recovered…
    It is an open question whether young people's attitudes on socialism and capitalism show that they are rejecting free markets as a matter of principle or whether those views are simply an expression of broader frustrations with an economy in which household incomes have been declining for 15 years.
    And even though these millennials aren't as quick to claim the term "socialist" in this poll, they are demanding some of its better perks, like many who want health insurance for all, food and shelter given to those who can't afford it, and more government involvement all around.
    To this group, capitalism is viewed as "unfair" and "greedy," while socialism is viewed as "compassionate."
    These poll numbers are about as surprising as knowing this same group largely throw its support towards "Democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders. Since they are having a hard time with the definitions of words, they should click here and find out that "Democratic socialist" doesn't mean "compassion"; it means "dictatorship."

    The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.
    These drongo's obviously don't know what Socialism really means - God help us all , they are the future​
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