CNP 0.00% 4.0¢ cnpr group

you can only cap this baby for so long. once the extension to...

  1. 273 Posts.

    you can only cap this baby for so long.

    once the extension to september 30 is granted and captain glenn provides an update then this baby will run HARD

    the cappers provide an excellent buying opportunity in the days leading up to the inevitable announcement imo.

    i've said all along that the banks will be forced to refinance centro's debt in due course. then they will undertake a large equity raising when the share price recovers.

    what gottlesbein has been saying about the banks converting their debt to equity is utter nonsense. people seem to have missed the point that the easiest way out of this mess is for the banks to refinance centro's debt. easy as that. and the sp will rebound to $3. centro is fine the way it is.
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