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land access approved for the puthep project in tha ASX...

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    land access approved for the puthep project in tha ASX ANNOUNCEMENT
    14 November 2006
    Puthep Project, Thailand
    Land access approved for the Puthep Project in Thailand
    Feasibility Study to include evaluation of primary copper-gold
    The joint venture for the Puthep Project has received Thai government approval for land
    access and its field program for a feasibility study on the PUT 1 deposit near the major
    provincial centres of Loei and Udon Thani in north-east Thailand. The Project is located
    within a day’s drive of Pan Australian’s Vientiane office base and Phu Bia Contract Area in
    Laos (Figure 1).
    Key Points
    Pan Australian completed a pre-feasibility study on the near-surface oxide-transitional copper
    mineralisation at the PUT 1 and the PUT 2 deposits in 2001 when the prevailing copper price
    averaged US$0.70/lb. This study focused on producing up to 30,000 tonnes of copper per
    annum over a 7-year mine life through heap leaching and solvent extraction electrowinning of
    the transitional chalcocite mineralisation. The study identified transitional mineral resources
    • PUT 1 deposit (Indicated and Inferred):
    85 million tonnes at 0.4% copper
    • PUT 2 deposit (Inferred):
    36 million tonnes at 0.4% copper
    Earlier drilling at the PUT 1 deposit by previous joint ventures had intersected broad zones of
    primary mineralisation below the transitional resource for combined transitional/primary
    intercepts of:
    • 240m at 0.6% copper and 0.2g/t gold from 3m; including
    10m at 1.6% copper and 0.5g/t gold from 105m, and
    23m at 2.1% copper and 0.7g/t gold from 138m
    • 145m at 0.47% copper and 0.16g/t gold from 3m; including
    18m at 0.92% copper, 0.30g/t gold from 57m, and
    18m at 1.25% copper, 0.39g/t gold, 7 g/t silver and 11.2% zinc from 108m
    A review of this data, coupled with Pan Australian’s experience at the Phu Kham Copper-Gold
    Project in Laos, support the evaluation of a much bigger open-pit and flotation operation on the
    transitional and primary mineralisation to produce a copper concentrate for custom smelting
    with gold and silver by-products.
    The feasibility study will focus on the PUT 1 deposit and will commence in early 2007 with
    completion likely in late 2008. Pan Australian has rights to acquire a total 60% interest in the
    Project from Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited.
    The Puthep Project comprises two copper-gold deposits PUT 1 and PUT 2 located 12km apart
    (Figure 2). Pan Australian has previously reported JORC compliant resource estimates for the
    oxide-transitional copper mineralisation in both deposits (refer to 2005 Annual Report). These
    estimates were confined to estimates of the shallow chalcocite copper mineralisation to be
    consistent with a pre-feasibility study completed when the price of copper was US$0.80/lb and
    which focused on recovering copper through heap leaching and then solvent extraction
    • PUT 1 oxide-transitional Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of
    85 million tonnes at 0.4% copper (based on drill hole spacing of 100 x 100m); and
    • PUT 2 oxide-transitional Inferred Mineral Resource of
    36 million tonnes at 0.4% copper (based on drill hole spacing of 200 x 150m).
    The oxide-transitional blankets of mineralisation at both deposits average 30m in thickness
    and overlay primary chalcopyrite copper mineralisation. Chalcopyrite copper and gold can
    not be recovered through copper heap leaching and therefore the primary copper
    mineralisation and gold intercepts were not previously evaluated for their resource
    A previous joint venture conducted tests that indicated a positive response by oxidetransitional
    and primary copper mineralisation to recovery by flotation. That joint venture also
    tested the primary mineralisation and intercepted very shallow oxide and primary copper-goldsilver
    mineralisation of significant grade and over considerable widths with peak intercepts
    grading over 2% copper (Cu), 2g/t gold (Au) and 10g/t silver (Ag). In addition, 18m at 11.2%
    zinc (Zn) was recorded in hole PHF50.
    These metallurgical and drill results indicate the significant potential to substantially increase
    the size of the resource at both deposits with further drill evaluation and flotation metallurgical
    test work on the oxide-transitional and primary mineralisation. Best intercepts at PUT 1
    Total oxide-transitional (to an average depth of 25m) and primary intercept
    Peak intercept
    PHF14 6-129 123 0.51 0.10 12m at 1.29%Cu and 0.40g/tAu from 39m
    PHF26 3-243 240 0.62 0.20 10m at 1.60%Cu and 0.51g/tAu from 105m; and
    23m at 2.09%Cu, 0.66g/tAu and 6g/tAg from 146m
    PHF43 0-250 250 0.35 0.12 27m at 1.00%Cu and 0.24g/tAu from 214m
    PHF50 3-148 145 0.47 0.16 18m at 0.92%Cu, 0.30g/tAu from 57m; and 18m at
    1.25%Cu, 0.39g/tAu, 7g/t Ag and 11.2%Zn from 108m
    PHF58 54-96 42 0.69 0.86 15m at 1.69%Cu, 2.20g/tAu and 10g/t Ag from 81m
    P1R37 0-75 75 1.01 N.B. Not assayed for gold
    Over 19,000 metres and 5,000 metres of diamond core and reverse circulation drilling has
    been completed at the PUT 1 and PUT 2 deposits respectively by Padaeng Industry and a joint
    venture between Phelps Dodge and Padaeng Industry.
    The PUT 1 deposit was the subject of a pre-feasibility study completed in 2001 with an
    assumed copper price of US$0.90/lb copper and total cash operating costs were estimated at
    US$0.50/lb copper. This study identified the potential for developing a low strip ratio mine
    with a 7 million tonnes per annum ore mining and processing rate with ore grading 0.5%
    copper to produce up to 30,000 tonnes of copper per annum over a 7-year mine life with
    additional potential to add to the mine life through the evaluation of the PUT 2 deposit.
    Although operating cost inputs have increased since 2001, the price of copper has increased by
    a greater margin and it is anticipated that a review of the pre-feasibility study adopting total
    cash operating costs typical of a copper flotation plant will confirm the potential of the PUT 1
    deposit to support a viable mining operation subject to completion of further resource drilling,
    metallurgical test work and a feasibility study.
    The PUT 1 deposit is located adjacent to a major sealed arterial road with easy access to the
    Thai capital Bangkok and the major service centre of Loei (Figure 2). Power supply and water
    are located close to the Project area.
    Pan Australian will earn a 51% interest in the Project from Padaeng Industry Public Company
    Limited through sole funding a feasibility study and has a right to acquire a total 60% interest
    consistent with the provisions for Australian ownership under the Free Trade Agreement
    between Australia and Thailand. The feasibility study is scheduled to commence in early
    2007 with completion likely in late 2008.
    For further information contact:
    Mr Gary Stafford Mr Joe Walsh
    Managing Director General Manager – Corporate Development
    Pan Australian Resources Limited
    Tel: (07) 3846 1811 Website:
    Email: [email protected]
    The data in this report that relates to Exploration Results are based on information evaluated by Dr. Ralph Child
    who is a Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM) and who has sufficient
    experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity
    which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian
    Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the “JORC Code”). Dr. Ralph
    Child is a full-time employee of Pan Australian Resources Limited and he consents to the inclusion in the report
    of the Exploration Results in the form and context in which they appear.
    Figure 1 Project location plan
    Figure 2 Puthep location relative to developed infrastructure
    Figure 3 Schematic plan view depicting Puthep geology
    Figure 4 Schematic section depicting Puthep geology
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