well, if you think that - you better read me more closely first...

  1. 83,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    well, if you think that - you better read me more closely

    first up in America - I would look at what the cost benefit is of Mexican/immigration - because I think you will find that the USA has done very very very well out of it --- as opposed to the hysterical thinking atm, that it's all a one way cost and no benefit.

    Once that was complete, then I would put in place good solid mechanisms to 'protect' avenues that you have identified that benefit the Nation - and, also then, put in place mechanisms that control where you don't want others.

    Over the years, the US has done some smart things with immigrants ---------- ILLEGAL or NOT --- like treating illegal border jumpers who were diagnosed with TB --

    that was a really smart move - because it was obvious that if someone tried a jump and failed and you sent them back - then, they would most likely try again - and, if they did it often enough - they would eventually succeed -- so, if they had TB - all you had was a timebomb waiting to happen for you -- so, it was smart to treat the disease - so, that if and when they did a successful border jump - they didn't bring TB with them -

    that was logical, that was common sense.

    If you look at the economics of across border workers -- it is ballknockingly obvious that American businesses not only use immigrant labour (legal and illegal) - but, they are dependent on it - like it or lump it.

    There are many cases - well before Trump where towns just suffered huge economic stress when immigration raids took place and workers were deported --

    so - the evidence was and is clear ---- America NEEDS these people - so, find a way to make it work.

    I put up a link to a prime example a few weeks back - from the Obama era - I cannot remember the name of the town - but, from memory it was a beef supplier - and, the whole town was built around that industry.

    The guts of it was that after major immigration sweeps - the companies just didn't have workers ---- Americans wouldn't and won't do that kind of work --- so, what happened?

    Well, what happened and happens is a whole new wave of different illegals comes in - from different nations at different times - and, the whole circus starts again --

    what a cockup --- so, how would you fix that?

    First step is easy ---- wake up to the fact that you need these workers - then, go about making is LEGAL for them to be there.

    They don't cause any trouble when they have jobs and homes and family lives -- so, just put conditions in place to make it so they are safe and that they stay in employment and that they are looked after.

    It's not rocket science ---- but, it does require thought. And, it requires thought coming from a compassionate base -- not an aggressive base -

    ok - I did find the link ------------ this should show us what the issues are - once one knows that - then look for a 'pragmatic' solution

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