The Great Carbon Dioxide Emissions Tax is at best based on a...

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    The Great Carbon Dioxide Emissions Tax is at best based on a lack of understanding of the consequences of carbon dioxide emissions.

    At worst it is based on known lies and is a deliberate attack and scam on the Australian people being perpetrated against us not by enemies from without, but by our own Ms. Gillard Mr Brown led Government, which refuses to acknowledge it has NO mandate to introduce this disgusting, immoral tax and worse still refuses to listen to facts from international experts.

    For example, today on Radio 3MTR 1377 I heard an American expert interviewed. He said reducing carbon dioxide emissions in Australia will have NO noticeable effect on global warming. He said that if we introduce the tax we will achieve nothing positive for Australia. But he did suggest we will significantly increase costs for individuals and business and lower our standard of living.

    It was pointed out that of course we produce carbon dioxide emissions - because as an example our mining industry supplies the world. That maybe the mining industry should actually get a carbon credit for the carbon dioxide we help others not emit rather than being taxed!

    Let us also not forget that carbon dioxide emissions ARE natural. From our breathing. From animals. That plants and trees need carbon dioxide.

    This Ms. Gillard Mr Brown Government is demonstrating daily a total disregard for the Australian people, a disregard for scientific facts and is acting out of irrational idealism in a manner that is anti Australian.

    They turn a complete blind eye to all the opposition to this Great Carbon Dioxide Emissions Tax - over 80% of Australians.

    I cannot recall an Australian Government that has gone out of its way to deliberately introduce policy that attacks this nation. That attacks the living standards of our people. That attacks our businesses and makes them less competitive internationally.

    This inept Ms. Gillard Mr Brown Government deserves to be thrown out of Office and thrown out of Office today.
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