Of course it is a con and the biggest sucker of all is Turnbull....

  1. 5,380 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    Of course it is a con and the biggest sucker of all is Turnbull. For goodness sake give us PM who is wise and knowledgeable, not a fairy at the bottom of the garden!

    Why of all the gases in our atmosphere has Co2 been singled out? Why not Oxygen or Nitrogen of which the concentrations are overwhelmingly in greater abundance? Of course we all know the answer, because Co2 is the product of burning and not just fossil fuels. The whole planet is burning. If it weren't there would be nothing alive.

    It's a joke that such a minuscule concentration (0.037%) of Co2 be singled out in order to cause any significant warming. There is no halo of Co2 above us. The stuff is so heavy it can hardly get off the ground. Compare the atomic weights of the elements in each molecule of the main gases and if you have had any chemistry at school which many don't get these days then you would be able to understand why!

    It's a green ploy to stop industrialization and stop the advancement of civilization. The greens are barmy, illogical and can't see the wood for the trees.

    These tree hugger's, you'd think would prefer more trees (vegetation) and yet they don't seem to realize that more greening, more vegetation is a response to higher concentrations of Co2.

    The other significant point to all of this which many don't get or seem to realize and that is a warmer environment is responsible for higher levels of Co2, not the other way round.

    Co2 is the elixir of life. Without it no O2!
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