Carbon emmission wallets - Marxism spreads

  1. 15,914 Posts.
    Coming soon in Europe on the back of Agenda30 :-

    individuals are each credited with 'emission rights' which are stored in a 'carbon wallet'. The poor will have little need to use their credits becasue they can't afford to buy e.g. flights, heat big homes, etc so they can make a few quid selling them to the more wealthy who can then enjoy the fruits of the working class toil.

    This guarantees the sectarian societal divisions marxism relies on to exist with the bulging wallet bourgeoisie (middle class) on one side, in control of the financial and cultural capital, and the empty wallet proletariat (dirt poor) on the other.

    And guess who really benefits ...... the plutocrat elites who control the UN, WEF, et al, that's who.

    The ALP will be into this quicker than Jack Robinson for sure.
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