carbon planet, page-4

  1. 1,053 Posts.
    Polski, whether or not it takes a long time the company could lay out the timeline a bit better. To get accreditaion a number of deinitive steps need to occur. YOu need to develop several key documents and go through a double approval process for a new methodology and a verification process.

    You need to be able to demonstrate clear ownership of the land ( this can be a problem in PNG and other developing countries), secure ownership of the carbon rights ( i dont believe that pNG has finalised the legislation required to seperate carbon rights form forestry rights)
    demosntrate the risk of deforestaion - which in this case is clear due to the existance of a forestry concession, but then gets murky because the forestry concessions are disputable.
    You need ot be able to demonstrate the calculations to determine the cabron
    You need to eb able to demonstrate the long term security from depletion events that release cabron such as illegal logging, fire, pest defoliation and develop a risk managment program.

    YMethodologies and PDD have to be put out for public comment on the VCS website ( I advise you to go and have a look)where concerns ahve been raised, last time I looked there were at least 21 corrective aciton requests for the project.

    ou the need to have it all approved by a select bunch of verifiers who are flat out and have been for some time.

    Once approved you can get credits issued to a registry and away you go.

    It is all spelt out quite clearly on the VCS website.

    Still the company and thier partners could spell out the stpes and the progress against those steps.
    THese are compicated projects and do not run smoothly and matters are often out of your control as you wait for verifiers etc.

    The company may be better served by explaining the inherent difficulties and report on progress rather than being overly optomistic on delivery.

    Lets hope they get the project up and get it up as one of the first as they could do very well out of it. Building storng relationships and good marketing in the Domestic ( aussie) market for NCOS would be prudent.

    The carbon market is a fickle beast

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