The government is planning to tax "dirty carbon emitting...

  1. 93 Posts.
    The government is planning to tax "dirty carbon emitting businesses" and once they do they will have more money to give back to "we the people".

    If you trust the gov-ment then they are promising to give 50% of the carbon tax money back to "working families" and other poor people. Isn't that nice? They will help the environment and make the economy grow cleaner at the same time...

    At least the government acknowledges that their new carbon tax will raise prices.

    But wait there is more. Not only will the Australian gov-ment give the people some money back but, advised by demagogues like Ross Garn-out, they think that they can "stop the climate from changing" and "stop the oceans from rising" and "stop the ice caps from melting".

    Imagine that! We should be thankful we have such clever climate advisers and such a fiscally, socially and environmentally "responsible" gov-ment in power.

    Does all of this sounds to good to be true?

    If this debate was about truth then you quickly discover that one thing is certain about this new tax - its not going to change the weather. I can say this with 100% confidence...

    I don't think I have heard anyone quote Australian carbon emission figures in a global context. In the largely compliant mainstream press we often hear "Per capita emissions" quoted. This is the favored metric used by the present gov-ment in reference to Australia's carbon emissions.

    But then if you were a government that wanted to introduce a new tax on carbon it makes sense for "sales and marketing" purposes to highlight the phrase that appears to put Australia in the worst light.

    Repeat this propaganda after me,

    "Australia is the highest per capita emitter of carbon in the world". "Australia is the highest per capita...

    This propaganda may be true but as usual its more important to take note of what's behind the political spin. When you remove yourself from the noise and gov-ment propaganda and the special interest groups that dominate the mainstream press you will discover that Australia has approximately 23 million people out of a world population of of around 7 billion people. That makes us a miniscule 0.33% of the world's population. To add insult to injury we supply a huge amount of the world's coal and steel and natural gas. A quick look at these statistics leads to a discovery.

    If you are a purveyor of truth you would NEVER quote "per capita carbon emissions" in relation to Australia. It is a very misleading...

    The truth is this - Australia is number 15 carbon polluter in the world. Even with its disproportionately sized mining industry it contributes a "massive" 1.35% of all carbon emissions into the world's atmosphere!

    That's right folks - Did you know that Australia's "dirty miners" and our "farting cattle and sheep" and "your insistence on breathing out" contributes a massive 1.35% to global carbon emissions?

    The rest of the world contributes the other 98.65% of carbon into the atmosphere!! Wow - we need a world carbon tax because Australia is small fry...


    Lets face the truth - this is a new tax, this is NOT about our government "helping to change the weather" or about "improving the environment".

    This is simply a new way to tax Australian industry and re-distribute the money. When you look at the facts its ridiculous for so called climate experts (demagogues like Garn-out) or prime-ministers to suggest that the recent spate of bad weather in this part of the world is caused by out of control growth in carbon emissions in Australia.

    The truth is this new tax will not change the world's weather one iota...

    The other thing that we need to be aware of - if the truth is to prevail - is that the political debate is being framed in "religious" terms. It relies on the "two horse race" and political allegiances and most of all the age-old truism - "most of the people do not think for themselves".

    One of the favorite taunts across the parliament has this question underlying it -

    What is your religion?

    The "statement of faith" is clearly set out by the high priests of politics - are you a "climate change believer" like Julia or are you a "climate change skeptic" like Tony?

    Unfortunately, we are told the "scientific consensus" is undeniable and we must join a religious denomination - are you a climate believer yet?

    If we want to "live in the truth" then lets look past the political or religious "climate debate" and look at the facts.

    You will not have to search very far before you discover that "the first casualty of any religious or political war is the truth"

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