carbon tax costello nails it, page-50

  1. 6,746 Posts.
    Pigofsteel you said... "I can't understand why the lefties are even here , there spiritual home is obviously in the EU. Big Governments, big budgets, crazy socialist ideals, no productivity or responsibility. natural fit for these idiots."

    I think you're right, so what is it? Envy? Stupidity? A covert agenda?

    Are they working to undermine our independence and subjugate us to their (green faced communist) UN world government?

    Socialist world governments have crept across Europe and enslaved Europe and broken most of their economies

    They've fallen sucked in with the socialist promise of an easy life, welfare and high wages and short workdays and heaps of easy loans that have become their chains

    All of them now broken except of course for Germany with their proud German work ethic and enthusiastic skill to always produce the best products

    Most here in Australia had a similar work ethic in the 50's and 60's and early 70's until union power pushed jobs overseas

    The few enterprising people now left are being decimated by government and I think that will only be made worse the longer we have a socialist/green-communist government taking us down the failed EU socialist pathway

    My opinions G48

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