When I saw the results of the Queensland election I was...

  1. 5,262 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 145
    When I saw the results of the Queensland election I was supprised because I thought the population was asleep.

    I thought that the level of agression towards the carbon tax indicated a total annihilation of the labour government at the next election.

    I didnt beleive Australians were actually passionate and understood. What the election indicats it only takes 20% of the population to destroy a party. Not everyone has to jump ship.

    I find interesting labour is looking for other things to blame for the election results.

    The problem with Australians is we are very forgiving and forget very quickly. Australians tend to accept any laws made by the government.

    The population is being passively weaned into into a socialist state with laws that take away our right and freedom. Taxes that reduce our income, increase prices, and reduce choices. We pay more for consumer products
    here than anywhere in the world.

    If the govenment taxes the hell out of everyone and everything then redistribute income surely that is socialism. The end result doesn't end well because it creates hyper inflation.

    I find it interesting that Australian governments can operate under a web of secrecy. How come opposition memembers in parliment often have to use freedom of information powers to gain access to public information.
    Privacy laws are meant to protect people not to hide public information. Surely members of parliament have a constitutional right to view all public information at anytime.

    The problems with governments never end.

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