There is a lot happening in regard to forest protection,...

  1. 5,732 Posts.
    There is a lot happening in regard to forest protection, reforestation and aforestation, with and without aid from within countries and from other countries. It's not easy or straightforward and nowhere near enough yet. Over time, more businesses and countries will be trying to offset their carbon generation by 'buying' forests, particularly tropical rainforest - which is hugely important for its effect on atmospheric carbon and climate:

    Brazil - some with government assistance and some despite no government assistance

    Norway offers $1billion to stop deforestation in Indonesia, but Indonesia is slow to act

    How the world and individual countries are trying to protect forests, but are businesses/governments 'working the system'?

    The above is just a taste of the sort of things that are happening. (Logging for timber and palm oil production are big threats to forests in tropical nations.)
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